The project website is now available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Turkish. The website provides all the information about this Erasmus+ project, from the six partners that form the consortium, to the expected results that will be developed and achieved during its 3-year duration.
The new website also offers free access to the SME Green Skills Hub Virtual Campus. This campus will offer courses, guides and educational resources for VET educators working with companies who are interested in training in the field of SDGs applied to SMEs.
In the RESULTS section, users can access all the information about the European Framework of Competencies to implement the SDGs in SMEs, the Virtual Campus, the Mobile Assessment App and the Guidelines to promote transparency and recognition of skills to implement SDGs in SMEs. Both the European Framework of Competencies and the Guidelines will be available for open access in PDF format once these deliverables are completed.
In addition, through the website, it will be possible to access the Mobile Assessment App to be used in Vocational Education and Training programmes to evaluate and support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in small and medium-sized enterprises by SMEs’ staff.
If you would like to contact the project or are interested in receiving more information, you can do so through the contact details on the website or through our social networks.