At the second meeting of the SME Green Skills Hub, the consortium reviewed the progress of the project during this first phase. Mindshift presented the final version of the European Framework of Competences to implement the SDGs in SMEs. This first project result has been designed to meet the needs of Vocational Education and Training (VET) teachers, trainers and mentors working to support the staff of small and medium-sized enterprises in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It provides a reference on the implementation of the SDGs in SMEs through VET, using a common language to describe competences, skills, knowledge, and levels that can be equally understood across Europe. The guide, once translated into the five languages of the project partners, will be available on the web, open access.
During the meeting, INFODEF also presented the state of development of the Virtual Campus. This platform, which will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Turkish, will host innovative Vocational Open Online Courses and Training Modules on the implementation of the SDGs in small companies, as well as a Guide on Digital Competencies for Virtual Learning which final version was also presented at the meeting.
The meeting, which was initially planned to be held in Ireland in a face-to-face format and has been adapted to a digital format to ensure the safety of the participants in view of the new wave of COVID infections, was attended by the six project partners: INFODEF, coordinators and AEICE from Spain, Mindshift from Portugal, FRI from Italy, GOI from Turkey and INQS from Ireland.