These Guidelines provide a reference document with a strategic and practical set of recommendations to promote transparency and recognition on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through Vocational Education and Training (VET).
The document is structured around four areas:
- Current analysis of national and European policies in the implementation of the SDGs in SMEs through VET.
- European tools and strategies for recognition of prior learning (non-formal and informal), and properties of the SME Green Skills HUB Recommendation Form.
- Assessment of the pilot implementation of the project Virtual Campus and Mobile Assessment App in Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey: assessment methods and lessons learnt.
- Recommendations to improve the transferability potential of SME Green Skills HUB outputs and maximise understanding and usage of the project outcomes among stakeholders.
The Guidelines are aimed at policymakers, educational institutions, stakeholders, and other potential users and have been designed to be aligned with European tools for transparency and recognition, such as ECVET, EQAVET, EQF, and Europass.
This project result is available at SME Green Skills HUB site.